The Walk Between Football Practice

Julie & I took a walk near the Rio Grande Nature Center while Marcus was at football practice on Monday. It wasn't too hot, the company was great and there were plenty of interesting things for me to look at and photograph. The first shot of the tree limbs was duplicated, flipped and merged in CS5....The last one is very simple and somewhat plain and odd but Julie & I really dig it.


  1. The top photograph makes me think of those Georgia O'Keefe paintings of skulls suspended in the sky. I mean it totally complimentary, I like those paintings, and this photograph pleases me greatly. There's an esoteric feel to it also. Very cool, Marc. I like all of these because the bosque here is one of the neatest places I've ever been to. Me and Clay park at the Nature Center often and walk the bike trail. We've walked 710 miles there since May 2009. There is good energy there. I love the cottonwoods, and everything else there. Thank you for this beautiful post. :) Carm.

  2. I wanna go to the Rio Grande Nature Center with you, julie, Carmella, and anyone else who can come.

    The 2nd photo knocks my socks off! I love when you do landscapes that go one for miles and miles, kinda like the one that should be hanging on my wall instead of One Up's wall. Let's go there soon and grab it!

    Great shots friend!
